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1066 and All That (0 replies) What's the fastest internet that you need (0 replies) Diana Ring (0 replies) Tea time! (0 replies) You quite understand (0 replies) Fish & Chips (0 replies) Gin & Tonic (0 replies) Savile Row (0 replies) Elton John (0 replies) Princess Diana jewelry (0 replies) Romantic Poets (0 replies) Stratford on Avon (0 replies) Princess Diana (0 replies) Shakespeare (0 replies) Quoting in posts (0 replies) |
Princess Diana (50,884 views) Shakespeare (26,533 views) What's the fastest internet that you need (18,499 views) Romantic Poets (7,973 views) Elton John (7,910 views) Diana Ring (7,784 views) Princess Diana jewelry (7,701 views) Savile Row (7,546 views) Tea time! (7,486 views) Fish & Chips (7,438 views) Quoting in posts (7,425 views) You quite understand (7,402 views) 1066 and All That (7,334 views) Stratford on Avon (7,231 views) Gin & Tonic (7,087 views) |